How To Make Money Online in Kenya by Writing on HubPages

How to make money online in Kenya with HubPages, Adsense and Affiliate marketing. HubPages is one of the easiest ways to make extra money online. The HubPages writing platform enables writers to earn by creating quality content. It’s an international program: anyone with decent grammar can join at anytime and start earning by creating hubs (articles).

There are many benefits with the HubPages program: You write about any topic you want, you don’t have to own a website, blog or domain, you are paid with PayPal the next month after you reach the $50 threshold, and you don’t have to write everyday.

It easy to make money online in Kenya with HubPages: you create great content, publish it on HubPages and leave the monetization to them. They will only ask for your Google Adsense Publisher ID (optional). In addition to displaying Adsense ads on your hubs, HubPages will also show Amazon and Ebay affiliate products.

You and HubPages will split the earnings from the Amazon and Ebay programs 60 to 40: for every 100 visitors who read your hubs, 60 will be shown ads banners that have your ID, the other 40 will see ads that have HubPages ID. This means the earnings from your hubs are completely yours for 60% of the total time your content is viewed.

How To Make Money Online in Kenya With HubPages

HubPages is good for those online writers who love the freedom to chose what to write. You don’t need to stick to a given niche with hubs. The best way to get started with HubPages is to publish quality articles on different topics and track their performance by adding your Google Analytics code (in your HubPages Account).

How To Make Money Online in Kenya With HubPages

Follow the following tips to make money online in Kenya with HubPages.

Select Good Keywords

Google Keyword Planner

A keyword is the main article topic that you want search engines to associate a particular hub with. Select your keywords carefully using free or paid keyword tools (I use two great free keyword tools: Google’s Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest).

After a while, check to see which topics are performing best for you – then use any keyword tool to search for more related keywords that have good search volumes (more than 100 exact searches for a keyword every month is considered good search volume).

You may want to concentrate on topics that are mostly searched on Google in the U.S. and Europe, such as love and romance. This is because you will earn the most from clicks on ads from these regions since advertisers from the two regions usually pay more per ad due to bigger Western economies and greater competition.

Write Often To Make Money Online in Kenya with HubPages

One of the main advantages of making money online in Kenya With HubPages is that you can write during your free time, maybe even on weekends only. You need to put a lot of effort and time to make money online, but the most important thing is to work smart.

Regularly updated Hubs perform well, partly because your readers will expect you to keep producing great content. Another reason is that search engines love regularly updated websites, and by writing regularly about great topics on HubPages, you will receive better traffic to your articles…and more visitors online usually leads to more money.

Write Great Content

Ubersuggest Free Keyword Tool For HubPages

This one is obvious–create great content to make money online in Kenya with HubPages. Great content is original, useful to readers, written in good grammar, non-abusive and factual. Aim to provide answers, offer direction and inform your readers with accurate facts.

Great content is the cornerstone of all good websites, not just HubPages. In search engine terms, websites with original content are high quality sites. Such blogs are given prominence in search engine results pages (SERPS), which is where you want your Hubs to be. Create catchy titles for your hubs: Even great content needs strong headlines to appeal to readers.

Track Your Performance

The easiest way to track the performance of your Hubs is to add your Analytics code. To make money online in Kenya with HubPages, write more hubs on topics that closely relate to your top performing keywords. The topics we love to write about do not necessarily perform wonders in online writing: because it usually depends on the competition. If more writers are writing about a particular topic, it will be harder to get good traffic.

Share Your Content on Social Media

Use the power of social media to increase HubPages  earnings. Share your articles with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn etc. More shares will lead to more visitors. Increase your Facebook page likes to reach more people. You can get more likes simply by promoting your Facebook page through email We naturally feel a need to share great stories…which is another reason why you should write great content to make money online in Kenya with HubPages.

Join HubPages

What are you waiting for? join HubPages, read about the experiences of other Hubbers (Hub writers on HubPages) and start writing to make money online in Kenya with HubPages.

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Harrison M, author, editor and owner at

Harrison M, owner and editor

Harry started this website as a finance blog back in 2015, when mobile money and sports betting were the rage in his part of the world. But over the years the content policy has been evolving, just as both the authors and the times have been changing. He is a calm person and during his free time you might catch him riding his bike, playing football with his son, watching movies or just chilling.


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