How Many Hours in a Year: Total Hours in Regular and Leap Years

Wondering there are how many hours in a year? Well, to calculate the total number of hours in any given year, we simply get the total number of days in the year. We then multiply these total days by 24 (there are 24 hours in a day)!

Regular/ ordinary years (years in which the month of February has 28 days) have 365 days, and therefore have 8,760 hours. But all leap years have an extra day (February 29) and therefore have 8,784 hours.

How Many Hours in a Year: Total Hours in Regular and Leap Years

How many hours in a year?

How many hours in a year?

The total hours in an ordinary year is 8,760 hours. However, there are 366 days in a leap year. As a result, the total hours in a leap year like 2024 is 8,784 hours.

How many hours in 2025?

There are 8,760 hours in 2025.

Total hours for each month in 2025

The following are the total hours for each month in 2025, and the total hours for the year 2025.

Total hours in each month of 2025
MonthNumber of DaysTotal hours
January31744 hours
February28672 hours
March31744 hours
April30720 hours
May31744 hours
June30720 hours
July31744 hours
August31744 hours
September30720 hours
October31744 hours
November30720 hours
December31744 hours
 Total hours in 2025:8,760 hours

Total weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds in 2025

The total weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds in 2024 are:

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Harrison M, author, editor and owner at

Harrison M, owner and editor

Harry started this website as a finance blog back in 2015, when mobile money and sports betting were the rage in his part of the world. But over the years the content policy has been evolving, just as both the authors and the times have been changing. He is a calm person and during his free time you might catch him riding his bike, playing football with his son, watching movies or just chilling.


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